Installing GO-PCA ================= GO-PCA is available in two versions: The latest official release (``latest``), and the current development version (``develop``). The official release is more stable, but the development version might contain some features that haven't made it into an official release yet. Installing the latest release ----------------------------- The latest GO-PCA release is `hosted on PyPI`__, the Python package Index. The recommended procedure for installing GO-PCA differs slightly, depending on whether you use a Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X operating system: __ pypi_ - `Installation on Ubuntu Linux ` - `Installation on Windows ` - `Installation on Mac OS X ` .. _pypi: Installing the development version ---------------------------------- The recommended installation procedures for the development version of GO-PCA are identical to those for the latest release, except for the last step. Instead of running ``pip install gopca``, run the following:: pip install git+git:// .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 install_windows install_ubuntu