GOPCAConfig class

class gopca.GOPCAConfig(user_params, gene_sets, gene_ontology=None, params=None)

A GO-PCA configuration.

This class represents a complete set of inputs to the GO-PCA algorithm, excluding the expression data. Specifically, the inputs consist of parameter settings, represented by the GOPCAParams class, as well as a list of gene sets (optionally including Gene Ontology data; represented by the genometools.ontology.GeneOntology class).

Furthermore, two versions of the parameter settings are stored: The first version (user_params) holds the values exactly as specified by the user. Some of those values can have special meaning, such as -1 for the XL-mHG L parameter (mHG_L), which will be automatically converted to p/8 (where p is the number of genes). The second version (simply called GOPCAParams class) holds the values actually used by the algorithm. So in the previous example, the mHG_L parameter stored in this version would equal p/8 (rounded down to the nearest integer).


GOPCAParams – The GO-PCA parameter settings, as specified by the user.


genometools.basic.GeneSetCollection – The list of gene sets to be used by GO-PCA.


genometools.ontology.GeneOntology or None – The Gene Ontology (only if gene sets are based on GO annotations.)


GOPCAParams or None – The final GO-PCA parameter settings, after resolving parameter values with special meanings (see above).


Replace parameters set to special values with final value.

Parameters:num_genes (int) – The number of genes in the analysis.